What is the best age to start aesthetic treatment?

It is always a good time to do skincare whether it is for prevention, correction, or just nourishment. Choosing the right protocol for you according to your age and skin condition requires an expert.

Is it ok to do exercise same day after aesthetic procedure?

It is preferable to wait at least 2 days before you resume exercise, because it can induce inflammation or increase the bruising since exercise increases the blood flow in the skin.

Can I go for a swim after peeling session?

No, the skin after peeling has disturbed barrier by peeling which makes it prone to infection and irritation. You should follow the instruction strictly after peeling and avoid anything to come in contact with your skin other than the prescribed creams.

Does botox sag the skin in the long run?

No, botox treat lines by relaxing the muscle tone underneath the skin hence decreasing the stress on the skin minimizing the appearance of line and wrinkles due to exaggerated expressions in the skin. Botox can be considered as a preventive antiaging treatment.

Can scars be treated completely?

Scars are the bodies attempt to seal cracks caused by various causes like burn or cuts or inflammation, so the skin is permanently disrupted however the treatment involves stimulation of collagen formation to fill those scars and make them look less obvious.

What is the best treatment for pigmentation or melisma?

Melisma is a chronic problem that requires skin care routine primarily and then a treatment twice or 3 times per year. Treatment can be peeling or mesotherapy less commonly some lasers. All treatments give good percentage of improvement that increases with maintenance treatment.

Are there other options than injections to rejuvenate the skin?

There are more conservative ways like facials and home creams that contain stimulatory and nourishing ingredients. Also, there is the laser treatment option to rejuvenate deep layers of the skin.

Is there a treatment for saggy skin of the hands with prominent veins?

The available treatments are prp to rejuvenate the skin as well as peels and fillers.

What is the best treatment for Neck lines and how can we prevent them from appearing?

Some necklines are genetic while others can be treated with fillers or botox injections.

Can botox treat my chronic headache?

Botox can be a good treatment option for tension headaches sometimes migraines because it relaxes the tension in the muscles.

What is the best treatment for hair fall at the clinic?

Hair fall treatment is a comprehensive treatment program that includes treating the condition from inside out. It can be through vitamin therapy up to prp injections in the scalp and also home treateents are important.

I have done many laser hair removal sessions, but still my body hair is resistant, what do you advise?

It is advised to revise with your dermatologist the treatment parameters and also to do some lab tests to make sure there is no internal condition that is causing you this problem.

Is filler injection undereyes dangerous?

All filler injections have side effects and complications that is why it is a must to be performed by an expert doctor.

Is filler injection in the bikini area recommended?

It is advised when the condition requires. It is usually a safe treatment if it is done by an expert doctor.

What is the best treatment for dark circles?

Some part of the cause is genetic however improvement can occur with changing lifestyle, using proper creams and sometimes mesotherapy or peeling treatments at the clinic.

What is the best treatment for dark lips?

Some doctors prefer creams. Others use mesotherapy or peelings or lasers.

I love tan, and I frequently use tanning beds, are they dangerous?

Yes, they can cause skin cancers.

I have excessive sweating and I heard about botox treatment. Is it effective?

Yes, it is a safe procedure that can last up to one year.

Does hair botox at the salon cause hair fall?

Yes, it can also cause other problems like breakage and dandruffs.

I'm pregnant, can I get botox treatment?

There are no studies to suggest the safety of botox during pregnancy that is why it is avoided.

Dr. Amira El Kholy
Consultant dermatologist
American Aesthetic Board certified


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