Skin Health
The Care You Deserve
The skin is the largest organ in the body. It acts as the first defense against disease and infection, and it protects your internal organs from injuries.
The importance of keeping your skin healthy can't be overemphasized. It's the body's first defense against disease and infection, and it protects your internal organs from injuries. It is, in fact, the largest organ in the body. The skin helps regulate body temperature and prevents excess fluid loss, and it also helps your body remove excess water and salt.
Skin conditions can affect anyone—young and old, men and women. Acne, psoriasis and eczema are just a few examples of common skin disorders. The good news is that there are a number of simple ways to keep skin healthy, and there also are now many options available to treat skin conditions, if treatment is necessary.
It is very important to have an effective skin care routine. The right routine starts with knowing what kind of skin you have. Then you'll know how to take care of it. There are 3 basic categories for the skin. Skin us either dry (flaky, scaly, or rough), oily( shiny, greasy with many pores), combination( is dry in some spots as the cheeks and oily in other areas (forehead, nose, or chin)
Skin Rejuvenation. Exposure to the sun, aging and hereditary factors can cause your skin to experience irregularities like like pigmentation changes, age spots, wrinkles, fine lines and blotches. Skin rejuvenation is a proactive method to reverse such irregularities and bring back the youthful glow in your skin.
Acne results from plugged hair follicles. Oil, dirt, and dead skin cells on the surface of your skin clog your pores and create pimples or small, localized infections. Treatments work to clear away bacteria and dry up the excess oils that lead to acne. Different acne treatments include lifestyle remedies, topical medication, oral medication, and medical procedures. The treatment that’s right for you depends on your individual condition.
chronic, severe inappropriately managed acne, results in permanent scaring. In fact post acne scarring is one of the main causes of facial scarring, leading to severe psychological distress. Unfortunately, scarring occurs early and may affect 95% of patients depending on severity of acne and delay in appropriate treatment. Understanding the basic pathogenesis of acne and the various types of acne scars is essential to optimize the management of acne scars. Since there is no single ideal procedure, various techniques are often used in combination to achieve the best outcome.
Treatment options include; chemical peels, dermabrasion/microdermabrasion, laser treatment, punch techniques, dermal grafting, needling, fractional laser and combined therapies are used for atrophic scars while silicone gels, intralesional steroid therapy, cryotherapy, laser and surgery are used for hypertrophic and keloidal lesions.
iv. Pigmentation Disorders
Skin pigmentation disorders can cause an uneven skin tone, or discolor the skin temporarily or permanently. There are lots of reasons why pigmentation can be affected. Since our body’s production of melanin is what determines our skin tone, factors that alter our natural melanin levels lead to discoloration.
Some cases of skin discoloration are curable, while others can be alleviated with consistent treatment. The most common treatments that our dermatologists will recommend are topical creams, pills, and in some cases, laser therapy. These treatments are effective, but it may take some time for the results to show. Most discolorations will disappear within a couple months. For disorders that cannot be cured, the discoloration may reappear at a later point due to an environmental trigger.
Chemical peel can improve the skin’s appearance. In this treatment, a chemical solution is applied to the skin, which makes it “blister”and eventually peel off. The new skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin. Chemical peel can be done on the face, neck, or hands. They can be used to:
Reduce fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth
Treat wrinkles caused by sun damage and aging
Improve the appearance of mild scars
Treat certain types of acne
Reduce age spots, freckles, and dark patches (melasma) due to pregnancy or birth control pills.
Improve the look and feel of skin
Areas of sun damage may improve after chemical peeling.
After a chemical peel skin is temporarily more sensitive to the sun, so wear sunscreen every day. It should say “broad-spectrum” on the label, meaning it protects against the sun’s UVA and UVB rays. Also, it should be a physical sunscreen and be above SPF 30. Limit your time in the sun, especially between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., and wear a wide-brimmed hat.
A facial cleanses, exfoliates, and nourishes the skin, promoting a clear, well-hydrated complexion and can help your skin look younger. You also receive advice from the beautician on the best skincare routine customized for your skin type. A facial is the second most popular spa treatment after a massage. the general recommendation is for a facial every three to four weeks or once a month. That’s how long your skin’s life cycle is. After three or four weeks, your skin cells grow back. Facials help this process and assure your skin always glows